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Year-End Law Firm Finances: From Chaos to Clarity
Year-End Law Firm Finances: From Chaos to Clarity
In today’s rapidly changing legal landscape, the role of legal administrators is no longer confined to the traditional boundaries. Also, legal administrators are being called upon to steer law firms towards new levels of success and sustainability, which includes the financial management of the firm.

Are you 100% prepared to take on all of the new responsibilities?

In this webinar we will explore the key factors that enable legal administrators to deliver on their expanded financial responsibilities while develop tools to make the process less complicated. You will gain exposure to the common mistakes that law firms make, develop frameworks to avoid those mistakes and identify forward looking strategies to help move the firm forward in the right direction

(Date of webinar: 11/8/2023 at 2:00pm CT)
Discounted member price: 39.00
You could save: 60.6%

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