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Save the Firm! Redesign a Law Firm’s Compensation Model...
Save the Firm! Redesign a Law Firm’s Compensation Model...
Full Title: Save the Firm! Redesign a Law Firm’s Compensation Model in One Hour

Imagine you are sitting at your desk when the managing partner bursts into your office. He screams, “I overheard Julia, our rock star young partner, plotting to leave the firm with our most productive partners. I have to talk to the other partners, but I need you to figure out what it’s going to take to convince Julia and the others to stay. I’ll be back in an hour!” Once you peel yourself off the floor, who do you call? Your best and most discreet friends at ALA, of course. In this interactive webinar, you’ll learn everything you need for you and your classmates to brainstorm a new compensation model that will meet everyone’s needs and save the firm.
(Date of webinar: 3/20/2024 at 2:00pm CT)
Discounted member price: 39.00
You could save: 60.6%

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